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4th Wednesday BizChat Moves to New Location 

Coral Ridge Event Center, 950 Chiquita Blvd., Cape Coral

Our 4th Wednesday BizChat continues to grow as word spreads about the strong networking and educational opportunities that are provided at no cost to business owners at all stages of development. The Biz Chat represents a partnership between our City of Cape Coral Economic Development Office and FGCU's Small Business Development Center (SBDC), with regular participation from partner organizations such as the Cape Coral Chamber of Commerce and Cape Coral Construction Industry Association (CCCIA).
"What happens at the BizChat does not stay at the BizChat"
We meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month from January through October at 11:30 a.m. A light lunch is included and business owners can volunteer to be a lunch sponsor in exchange for added time in front of the audience to talk about the benefits of doing business with their company. We hope that you will join us at our next 4th Wednesday BizChat!
  Spread the word. See you there!

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