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Southwest Florida Enterprise Center in collaboration with SWFL Impact Partners had a B2B Luncheon

Friday, August 26th 12:00-1:30 p.m. For Small Business (SB) under 100 employees,

Minority Business Enterprise (MBE), Disadvantage Business Enterprise (DBE), If you are at least one of the above designations...

The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) has an opportunity for you to jump start or continue the recovery of your business post the impacts of Covid 19.

SWFL Impact Partners is one of the 5 organizations that have been tasked with supporting you in this!

Our goals:

1. Advance your business through Technical Assistance.

2. Get you more resources ($$$$)

We want to help you get up to $20,000 in grant money.

We want to help you get your finances to a place that you qualify for SBA lending.

We want you to understand the key elements/financial aptitudes to attract capital.

3. Coach and encourage you in your small business pursuits.

For more information, please call: 239-634-4690

Southwest Florida Enterprise Center

3903 Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard

Fort Myers, FL 33916    (239) 321-7085


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