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Charles D. “Charlie” Aucoin is a Paid Up For Life member of the William A. (Bill) Guillory American Legion Post 370 in Westlake, La., since 1970. He served on active duty in the Navy from 1967 to 1968.

Aucoin has been a post, district, and department (state) commander in Louisiana and has been a member and chairman of the department’s Americanism Commission for many years. He is also serving on the department's Internal Affairs Commission. At the national level, Aucoin served on the Membership & Post Activities Committee and the Foreign Relations Commission before being elected as Louisiana’s National Executive Committeeman in 2005, where he served for 18 years. He served as The American Legion’s national sergeant-at-arms from 1994 to 1995.

Aucoin also served on the Louisiana Veterans Affairs Commission from 1992 to 2005, with appointments from three different governors. He is a member of the Sons of The American Legion and is eligible through the service of his World War II veteran father. Aucoin enjoys gardening in his spare time.

Aucoin has been married to his wife, Ann, since 1994. He has two children, five grandchildren, and one great-granddaughter, Sadie Jane.

National Vice Commander Charles D. "Charlie" Aucoin visited the 13th District American Legion in Florida. Thai is a video and photo gallery of his visit escorted by The Legion Riders. This visit included Post 192 and Post 38 Fort Myers,FL

Post 192 visit by National Vice Commander Charles D. Aucoin

 Post 192 Photo Gallery

Post 38 visit by National Vice Commander Charles D. Aucoin

Post 38 Photo Gallery

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